连续下三天以上的雨称为「霖」。 如:「久旱逢甘霖」。 《说文解字·雨部》:「霖,凡雨,三日已往为霖。」 唐·元稹〈桐花〉诗:「商弦廉以臣,臣作。 See more
瓜類蔓枯病之發生生態及防治 有各式含有木黴菌及黏帚黴菌之有機資 材,可參考應用防治。 7. 抗病育種:臺灣栽培的瓜類品種對於蔓枯 病的抗感性不同,選育並推薦抗病或中抗 品種,可減。
十二時辰對照表 . (一)一般版. 子時 下午11時 至上午 1時 丑時 上午 1時 至上午 3時
Zhu Zanjin (Chinese: 朱贊錦; pinyin: Zhū Zàn Jǐn) (born on 16 September 1995) is a Chinese actor and dancer and graduated from Beijing Normal University with a major in dance. He made his debut as an actor in the 2015 television series Demon Girl. Since then he has appeared in a number of other film and television productions, including the 2018 xianxia drama The Untamed in which he played the character of Jin Guangyao. He reprised this role in the 2020 spin-off film Fatal Journey
霖的意思 - 天河意思 -